Your financial status is on a crunch and you are uncertain on the course of action to take. You are terrified of declaring insolvency and dropping all your assets. You feel that even your creditors are bullying you. What are your options under such circumstances?
I believe that your best option is to pursue a debt management scheme. You can facilitate or structure payment of arrears using an arrears management program from an arrears management firm or even a credit cooperative. You can also seek out a fiscal counselor to assist you manage your arrears and there are free counselor services available for you.
Under debt management, your initial consideration is the retention of your properties. This is your first priority, and you have two paths of action to track. The first path of action is to consult a debt management firm. The second is to apply for individual volunteer agreement.
If you go for a debt counselor, they will request for details of the amount of arrears that you are in and what are the properties you have. They will also wish you to tell them if you have a job and how much your income is. They will then contact your creditors and try to work out an arrangement with them. In this, they will endeavor to get the highest section of your arrears written off and will attempt for your properties to stay with you. Bear in mind that debt management covers debts like mortgage payments, credit cards, and any other loans that you may have accumulated. On the whole, the key section of arrears that you owe is the interest that has to be paid against any credit or credit that you have acquired. In case of your mortgage, the arrears analyst will attempt to reschedule the mortgage payments. In case of other loans, they will attempt to reduce the interest charge. Debt counselors will work out a realistic repayment schedule. In this case, you are only required to make a single monthly payment to them. They in turn pay off your debts according to the schedule that they have worked out. In this, you get to retain your assets and also work off your debts.
If you apply for an individual voluntary program, you will have to hire a legal representative and apply for this program in a court of law. Your legal representative will call a meeting of all the representatives of the companies that you owe money from. He or she will try to settle your repayments with them. If 75% of your creditors consent to an amount and a repayment plan, the other creditors eventually have to sanction it. This is how a repayment plan is worked out, and you have to stick with it. You cannot have enough money to default on you repayments. When you agree to follow a debt management plan, you cannot go about acquiring fresh arrears or new loans. In fact, you should carefully plan your monthly expenses, cut down on all unnecessary expenditures, and repay your arrears. Don’t expose yourself to additional risks by acquiring further arrears. If you do this, you can end up losing your properties and no sane individual wants that.
In debt management, if there’s a will, there’s a way. You just have to carefully plan your steps and stick to a more prudent system of running your finances because in the final analysis the help that you can get is as successful as the determination you offer to your finances.
I believe that your best option is to pursue a debt management scheme. You can facilitate or structure payment of arrears using an arrears management program from an arrears management firm or even a credit cooperative. You can also seek out a fiscal counselor to assist you manage your arrears and there are free counselor services available for you.
Under debt management, your initial consideration is the retention of your properties. This is your first priority, and you have two paths of action to track. The first path of action is to consult a debt management firm. The second is to apply for individual volunteer agreement.
If you go for a debt counselor, they will request for details of the amount of arrears that you are in and what are the properties you have. They will also wish you to tell them if you have a job and how much your income is. They will then contact your creditors and try to work out an arrangement with them. In this, they will endeavor to get the highest section of your arrears written off and will attempt for your properties to stay with you. Bear in mind that debt management covers debts like mortgage payments, credit cards, and any other loans that you may have accumulated. On the whole, the key section of arrears that you owe is the interest that has to be paid against any credit or credit that you have acquired. In case of your mortgage, the arrears analyst will attempt to reschedule the mortgage payments. In case of other loans, they will attempt to reduce the interest charge. Debt counselors will work out a realistic repayment schedule. In this case, you are only required to make a single monthly payment to them. They in turn pay off your debts according to the schedule that they have worked out. In this, you get to retain your assets and also work off your debts.
If you apply for an individual voluntary program, you will have to hire a legal representative and apply for this program in a court of law. Your legal representative will call a meeting of all the representatives of the companies that you owe money from. He or she will try to settle your repayments with them. If 75% of your creditors consent to an amount and a repayment plan, the other creditors eventually have to sanction it. This is how a repayment plan is worked out, and you have to stick with it. You cannot have enough money to default on you repayments. When you agree to follow a debt management plan, you cannot go about acquiring fresh arrears or new loans. In fact, you should carefully plan your monthly expenses, cut down on all unnecessary expenditures, and repay your arrears. Don’t expose yourself to additional risks by acquiring further arrears. If you do this, you can end up losing your properties and no sane individual wants that.
In debt management, if there’s a will, there’s a way. You just have to carefully plan your steps and stick to a more prudent system of running your finances because in the final analysis the help that you can get is as successful as the determination you offer to your finances.