Nearly everyone desires to have more funds and retain more of the riches they have for their future or for some pursuits. However, a good number of us live paycheck-to-paycheck, deep in arrears and unsure on how to break out of the snare.
Here are the 7 biggest Money-Making Strategies you should learn:
- INVEST. Whether you're 20 or 60, you are never behind schedule to begin. You'll be no better off in three years than you are right now if you don't start investing right now. Even a dollar a day in a mutual fund can make a big difference in a short amount of time.
- MAKE YOURSELF IMPORTANT. You deserve to have some money set aside for you and to make as much money as you'd like. No one can stop you unless you let them.
- GET A GOOD RATE OF RETURN ON YOUR MONEY. If most of your money is in a checking account paying 4 1/2 %t, you're losing money! Inflation will make your money worth less tomorrow unless you're getting at least 5-10 % interest on your account.
- THINK THAT NO ONE ELSE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU FINANCIALLY. Whether you're depending on the government or meeting Mr. or Ms. Right, you're banking on something very unpredictable. It's time for you to take control.
- ASK FOR HELP. There are lots of money advisors, books, seminars -- you name it -- on making your money work for you. Only people who want to succeed ask for help.
- PLAN FOR THE FUTURE. Retail therapy can be fun. But how long does the thrill of a new outfit or gadget last? Will you regret what you spent later when you are barely scraping by? How good will that purchase make you feel if you can't pay your bills?
- TAKE TIME TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY. Good for you -- you've read this far so you have invested in yourself already. Spend at least five minutes each day managing your accounts, learning more about money and investments, and tracking your expenditures.
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