Friday, September 11, 2009

Financially Overcoming a Job-Loss

Getting a new job isn’t a cake walk either. Evidently, the signs of worry show up. But if you thought that’s the end of the road, you got it all wrong. Job loss is common, so are its ways to cope with it. You just need to wise up money-wise to recover.

First, if you’ve heavy outstanding bills and debts, go for debt consolidation. It reduces your monthly payments, and also helps you to make a single monthly payment by tacking all debt into one loan. A single loan is always easier to handle in financial crisis as it’s lower than the total payable amount on several loans and bills. Therefore, you get a chance to organize your finances, without any debt woes.

Next, ensure that you have fully received your entitlements from your employer. Some companies have redundancy packages, offering financial advice, outplacement, and career opportunities. Use it if you can.

Then you must reorganize your budgets to meet the situation. The same earning-to-spending ratio wouldn’t stay; therefore, you may fail to pay for your mortgage or credit card. In such a case, be explicit and negotiate fresh payment terms with your creditors.

Don’t make rash financial decisions that may land you in hot water. For instance, push aside all plans for holidaying or buying a new car when you’ve just lost a job. Also, avoid using all your payout to pay off your loans as you’ll have to survive on that money till you find a new job.

You must also change your lifestyle to get over the crisis. Forget being the same party animal or impulsive shopper that you were before. On a positive note, job loss allows you to look back on life and re-evaluate yourself. A job loss also helps you reconsider your career plans and future, which you wouldn’t have done otherwise.

If this thought isn’t cheerful enough, and you’re still having creases on your forehead, seek professional help. Get a financial advisor to plan your finances. Alternatively, go for counseling.

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Naked Pinay Views, Friendly Remarks , Greeny Fashion, Money Talks , Marc Nand's Blog , Nodding Nanding's Journal, Amusing Disclosure , PC Operatis , Online Shopster
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