The money that you spend on buying groceries each month is not fixed like it is in maintaining your car or everyday traveling. In order to control your spending on groceries, you will need to understand how you end up spending extra money on groceries. These are things that you probably never noticed or realized before. Let me therefore share some friendly advice by attempting to show you some strategies of the shopkeepers that make you spend more than needed.
For you, a grocery shop must be a simple place where you can shop for food and some other household goods but the fact is that it is an example of how the shopkeepers sell more to the consumers than required. It is necessary for you to understand the tactics of the shopkeepers and purchase only those items that you want to shop and avoid all the other things. This will help you to save money by not buying things that the shopkeeper wants you to buy.
Here are some steps for you to understand how a shopkeeper tries to sell you those items that he wants to sell you.
- As soon as you enter the shop, the first thing you will notice is the smell. The reason for this mouth-watering smell is the placement of the bakery near the entrance of the store. The smell is of those freshly baked products. This smell makes you feel hungry because the deserts give out an enticing smell and therefore you feel like buying them. This will make you spend more than you desire. The shopkeeper knows this and hence the placement.
To tackle this kind of a situation what you can do is, go for shopping only after you have had your meals. When you are full, it becomes easy to resist the smell of the bakery deserts and bread.
- The location of the grocery store in the shopping mall is another reason. You will notice that you have to travel a lot to reach the grocery store. On the way to the grocery store, you come across so many other stores that you can’t resist stopping there. That is why it is said that the longer you stay in the store the more will you spend. That is why you are made to walk so much to get that basic staple food which is bought by everyone. Or perhaps, the beautiful lady or the nice-looking guy you met in fashionable attire has already bought some and you want to follow suit.
To avoid this situation, you can make a list of all the items you need to buy and stick to them till you leave the store.
- Packaging of a product is another factor that attracts you. The colors they use for packing are really bright. This doesn’t mean that you have to end up buying them. You might end up buying the wrong item. If you buy them in bulk from some another place, you will save.
Use the above tips and be careful that you don’t spend more than required when you go out grocery shopping.
For you, a grocery shop must be a simple place where you can shop for food and some other household goods but the fact is that it is an example of how the shopkeepers sell more to the consumers than required. It is necessary for you to understand the tactics of the shopkeepers and purchase only those items that you want to shop and avoid all the other things. This will help you to save money by not buying things that the shopkeeper wants you to buy.
Here are some steps for you to understand how a shopkeeper tries to sell you those items that he wants to sell you.
- As soon as you enter the shop, the first thing you will notice is the smell. The reason for this mouth-watering smell is the placement of the bakery near the entrance of the store. The smell is of those freshly baked products. This smell makes you feel hungry because the deserts give out an enticing smell and therefore you feel like buying them. This will make you spend more than you desire. The shopkeeper knows this and hence the placement.
To tackle this kind of a situation what you can do is, go for shopping only after you have had your meals. When you are full, it becomes easy to resist the smell of the bakery deserts and bread.
- The location of the grocery store in the shopping mall is another reason. You will notice that you have to travel a lot to reach the grocery store. On the way to the grocery store, you come across so many other stores that you can’t resist stopping there. That is why it is said that the longer you stay in the store the more will you spend. That is why you are made to walk so much to get that basic staple food which is bought by everyone. Or perhaps, the beautiful lady or the nice-looking guy you met in fashionable attire has already bought some and you want to follow suit.
To avoid this situation, you can make a list of all the items you need to buy and stick to them till you leave the store.
- Packaging of a product is another factor that attracts you. The colors they use for packing are really bright. This doesn’t mean that you have to end up buying them. You might end up buying the wrong item. If you buy them in bulk from some another place, you will save.
Use the above tips and be careful that you don’t spend more than required when you go out grocery shopping.
1 comment:
just the right ideas for the holiday season.
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